2016/02/07 - Apache Onami has been retired.

For more information, please explore the Attic.

Binding Services

The org.apache.onami.spi.ServiceLoaderModule provides APIs to bind Services to Provided discovered via SPI pattern.

Given an hypothetical CreditCardProcessor:

package com.acme;

public interface CreditCardProcessor

    void doSomething();


With related implementations:

package com.acme.first;

@javax.inject.Named( "Visa" ) // any @javax.inject.Qualifier or @com.google.inject.BindingAnnotation annotated annotation
public final class VisaCreditCardProcessor
    implements CreditCardProcessor

    public void doSomething()
        // ...



package com.acme.second;

@javax.inject.Named( "MasterCard" ) // any @javax.inject.Qualifier or @com.google.inject.BindingAnnotation annotated annotation
public final class MasterCardCreditCardProcessor
    implements CreditCardProcessor

    public void doSomething()
        // ...


Then define the SPI in META-INF/services/com.acme.CreditCardProcessor file(s):

# created by Jack Bauer in less than 24h

com.acme.second.MasterCardCreditCardProcessor   # EOL comment

# comments and blank lines supported


Then users can require Services binding discovering implementation(s) with the service loader:

import static com.google.inject.Guice.createInjector;

import com.acme.FooService;
import com.google.inject.Injector;

import org.apache.onami.spi.ServiceLoaderModule;


Injector injector = createInjector( new ServiceLoaderModule()

    protected void configureServices()
        discover( CreditCardProcessor.class ); //.fromClassLoader( ClassLoader classLoader );

} );

and the require injections somewhere else:

public class PowerTool

    @javax.inject.Named( "MasterCard" )
    private CreditCardProcessor creditCardProcessor;

    // setters and algorithms omitted


if a service is not annotated by a qualifier/binding annotation, i.e.

package com.acme;

public final class DefaultCreditCardProcessor
    implements CreditCardProcessor

    public void doSomething()
        // ...


Then defined the SPI in META-INF/services/com.acme.CreditCardProcessor file:

# created by Jack Bauer in less than 24h


it is enough requiring its injection:

public class PowerTool

    // this is bound to com.acme.DefaultCreditCardProcessor
    private CreditCardProcessor creditCardProcessor;

    // setters and algorithms omitted


Qualifier annotations

Services implementations can be annotated with whatever annotation which, at their time, are annotated with a @javax.inject.Qualifier or @com.google.inject.BindingAnnotation annotation; i.e. given the following annotations:

@Retention( RUNTIME )
@Target( { FIELD, TYPE } )
public @interface Visa


@Retention( RUNTIME )
@Target( { FIELD, TYPE } )
public @interface MasterCard

users can annotate services implementations:

package com.acme.first;

public final class VisaCreditCardProcessorImpl
    implements CreditCardProcessor

    public void doSomething()
        // ...



package com.acme.second;

public final class MasterCardCreditCardProcessorImpl
    implements CreditCardProcessor

    public void doSomething()
        // ...


Then define the SPI in META-INF/services/com.acme.CreditCardProcessor file(s):

# created by Jack Bauer in less than 24h


Injections can be required by qualifying the injections:

public class PowerTool

    private CreditCardProcessor creditCardProcessor;

    private CreditCardProcessor creditCardProcessor;

    // setters and algorithms omitted


Loading Services from SystemProperties

Alternatively, SPIs can be specified via Java System properties:

java -Dcom.acme.CreditCardProcessor=com.acme.first.VisaCreditCardProcessorImpl,com.acme.second.MasterCardCreditCardProcessorImpl

Where , is the separator character between Providers.


If SPIs will be found in Java System properties, META-INF/services/com.acme.FooService file(s) will be ignored

Apache Maven Users

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